martes, 11 de febrero de 2025

Expanded Edition para The Dark Crystal

La-La Land Records ha anunciado una edición ampliada para esta obra de Trevor Jones, compuesta originalmente en 1982. Como podemos ver, la edición incluye TODA la música de la película y el Album original que salió en su momento (y que se ha lanzado posteriormente de manera remasterizada, el cual incluye canciones y Suites inéditas con respecto al score). Os dejo su Tracklist a continuación.

Score, Part I
001 - Power Ceremony and Main Title (4:35)
002 - Jen Plays Pipes and Mystic Master Dies (3:02)
003 - Skeksis Funeral Ceremony (2:06)
004 - Mystics Funeral Ceremony (3:25)
005 - Jen’s Journey and Council Chamber (2:04)
006 - Skeksis Fight Duel (3:29)
007 - Chamberlain Is Disrobed and Garthim Pursues Jen (3:53)
008 - Jen Encounters Aughra (1:29)
009 - Mystics 9-Tone Chant and the Observatory at Night (3:15)
010 - Garthim Attack Observatory and Mystics Leave Valley (4:08)
011 - Jen and Kira in Forest (2:29)
012 - Mindspeech, Nebrie and Mystics Journey (3:56)
013 - Skeksis Celebratory Banquet (3:03)
014 - Jen & Kira Duet (2:24)
015 - Introduction and Pod Dance (3:38)

Score, Part II
1. Kira Brings Down the Bat-Bird and Garthim Attack Pod Village (2:12)
2. Jen & Kira Love Theme (4:12)
3. In The Ruins of the Gelfling Village (3:56)
4. Landstriders Introduction and Journey (1:49)
5. Chamber of Life (3:29)
6. Landstriders Battle with Garthim and the Second Mystics Journey (3:25)
7. In The Sewer of the Castle (1:55)
8. Kira Removed to the Council Chamber (2:07)
9. Kira in the Chamber of Life (3:47)
10. Kira Is Freed and Jen in the Garthim Lair (2:13)
11. Jen And Aughra in the Chamber of Life (1:48)
12. Skeksis Panicked by Gelfling and Jen in the Crystal Chamber (4:25)
13. The Great Conjunction and the Arrival of The Mystics (4:53)
14. The Mystics and Skeksis Fuse to Become the UrSkeks (5:22)
15. Pod Dance (Reprise) and Finale (3:18)

1982 Soundtrack Album
001 - The Dark Crystal Overture (03:09)
002 - The Power Ceremony (03:52)
003 - The Storm (01:01)
004 - The Mystical Master Dies (00:49)
005 - The Funerals / Jen's Journey (05:25)
006 - The Skeksis' Duel (02:40)
007 - The Pod Dance (03:11)
008 - Love Theme (03:15)
009 - Gelfling Song (02:17)
010 - The Gelfling Ruins (02:43)
011 - The Landstrider Journey (00:43)
012 - The Great Conjunction (04:12)
013 - Finale (07:12)

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